Sunday, July 29, 2012

Welcome to Las Vegas

This is the wrong pyramid!!

View of the strip from the plane
We have now arrived in Las Vegas......

Goodbye Seattle..... Hello Adventure

Miranda and Nora folding everything
 After all the waiting and getting ready we have departed Seattle. Yesterday we left home to begin an adventure of a lifetime. After figuring out the packing issues we were able to squeeze our stuff in to 3 check in bags, 2 carry-on and 2 computer bags. We were up until 3am packing with still more to do. After several tearful goodbyes we were dropped off at the airport by Kayla and Miranda's Mom. So we will be putting more exciting adventures up now that we are starting our travels.
Me and Miranda with all our bags!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

All moved out.......

Empty Bedroom

Another bedroom view

Where the desk used to sit.

Gonna miss this kitchen.

Saying goodbye.....
Well we handed in the keys to the condo last night. Was kinda sad to have to move out of it. To bad we have this whole Egypt thing ahead of us or we would of bought it ourselves. Here are all the pictures from the clean up and after we sold all our stuff. We are now ready to depart Seattle tomorrow at 5pm. Can't believe today is our last full day in Seattle. Tomorrow Las Vegas......  

Monday, July 16, 2012

Time is almost up....

Me and Miranda half way to Noble Knob
Noble Knob

Me and Miranda at Noble Knob after lunch.
So, we decided about a month ago that their were some things we HAD to do before we left. So, in the next few posts we will be posting things we are doing before we make our departure to Cairo in 3 weeks. This is a hike that Miranda has been wanting to take me on for a loooooong time. So we finally did it, well because it takes until July 4th for summer to actually start here :-) So on July 7th we went on this 7 mile round trip hike to Noble Knob. She said was only 500ft elevation change, the part Miranda had forgot that it went up and down 500ft three times!!! Don't get me wrong it was an amazing hike but man was it tiring. We went with our friends Nick and Melinda and Nick's 2 kids. Melinda is Miranda's best friend from the time she was 13 until now. It was a great day hanging out with them and hiking. Melinda and Nick are one of several people we will miss very much being abroad. We are making it our mission to hangout with family and friends as much as possible before we leave and this is one of several days to come with friends and family.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Time Flies!!!

Well we are in the home stretch before we leave Seattle. Can't believe how fast 100+ days went. Seems like yesterday when Miranda accepted the offer! In all this excitement and planning reality kicked in that "WHOA, we are moving to Egypt!" We are in the process of selling off our remaining stuff. We have sold a good chunk of it but we still have many things to get rid of. Who would have ever known how much one couple can have until you go to sell it all? It's amazing all the things we have saved over the years we have been together. The days get closer and closer, we are only 40 days until we depart from NY and head for a new life, a new culture and a new beginning. It truly is an amazing experience to be able to share this with Miranda. I hope all goes well while we are there and most of all looking forward to meeting and seeing all the amazing things there are to experience. Our posting will most likely become more and more frequent as the days come closer. Keep in touch.

To Be Continued......